Operating with ethics and integrity is foundational to our client-centric approach. We place our fiduciary duty to our clients at the top of our corporate objectives and believe it is important to be as transparent as possible regarding our business policies and practices.
Ethics and alignment
A culture of client alignment
Client alignment is core to who we are and critical to generating excellent, long-term investment outcomes and building enduring partnerships.
Learn more
Code of ethics
We believe our associates owe a fiduciary duty of loyalty, fairness and good faith to our clients. Our code of ethics is designed to ensure that client interests come first and prohibits all associates from purchasing individual equity or fixed income securities as well as third-party mutual funds within the same Morningstar categories with which we compete, minimizing conflicts of interest. Each of our portfolio managers has a significant personal investment in the strategy he/she manages. By investing heavily alongside our clients, our portfolio managers are aligned with clients.
Code of ethics
CFA Institute's Asset Manager Code of Conduct
Diamond Hill has adopted and complies with the CFA Institute's Asset Manager Code. The code outlines the ethical and professional responsibilities of firms that manage assets on behalf of clients. Annually, we reaffirm our compliance with the code across six broad categories including: loyalty to clients, investment process and actions, trading, risk management, compliance and support, performance reporting and valuation, and disclosures.
Thoughtful approach to proxy voting
Our key objective in proxy voting is maximizing the long-term value of our clients' investments. As a company, we believe we should demonstrate a commitment to the same principles we expect of the companies in which we invest, which include a long-term perspective, sustainable competitive advantages, and stakeholder-focused management teams.
Learn more about our proxy voting policy
Proxy Voting Summary
SEC N-PX Filing (Diamond Hill Capital Management)
Political contribution disclosure
Diamond Hill has not and does not make political contributions. Our employees are prohibited from making political contributions without receiving prior approval from the chief compliance officer to ensure such contributions comply with relevant rules and regulations.
Information security and business continuity
Information security program (cybersecurity)
Our information security program protects the privacy and personal information of clients, shareholders and associates, as well as secures the overall network and operating infrastructure to ensure that Diamond Hill can continue to operate seamlessly without material disruption. The program consists of technical policies, user policies, employee training and an ongoing risk assessment and review. The program is ISO 27001 certified, meaning a third party reviewed and certified that we follow the standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization related to information security.
Business continuity
Diamond Hill's business continuity plan is designed to protect clients' interests by providing a stable and reliable operating infrastructure. The plan allows Diamond Hill to continue the management of client portfolios in the event of various business disruptions, ranging from intraday system interruptions to longer-term outages.
Business continuity plan disclosure statement
Business practices, policies and conflicts
Compliance program
We have adopted a series of policies and procedures that are designed to protect client interests and to prevent, detect and correct any violations of federal securities laws. Our overall compliance program was designed using a risk-based approach and includes policies, associate training, forensic testing and an annual assessment.
ADV disclosure brochure
As an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, we are required to prepare Form ADV Part 2A, also referred to as our disclosure brochure. This brochure is the primary disclosure document that investment advisers provide to their clients. It describes and discloses our various business practices and conflicts of interest.
ADV Part 2A Disclosure Brochure
Form CRS
CFA Institute Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS©) Verification
Diamond Hill complies with the CFA Institute's Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS©). Verification is performed by an independent, third-party verifier who conducts testing of the firm and provides assurance that Diamond Hill policies and procedures related to specific GIPS© standards have been designed in compliance with those requirements and have been implemented on a firm-wide basis. Annually, we reaffirm our compliance with GIPS© through the CFA Institute.
The opinions, statements or views expressed by Diamond Hill Capital Management, Inc. ("Diamond Hill") are subject to change and are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of results or investment advice. All information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation to invest in any particular security, strategy or investment product. Investing involves risk, including the loss of principal.
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